A tireless advocate for New York City preservation. A Canadian architect who helped save Old Montreal. A founding father of Long Island modernism. A structural engineer who shaped Indian modernism. A digital media pioneer. A designer and anti-nuclear activist who spatialized fashion. A trailblazing scholar and urban theorist whose work opened architects’ eyes to their social and environmental responsibilities.
These are just a small sample of the legacies and accomplishments of the visionary architects, designers, writers, and educators who died in 2022 and for whom AN published obituaries or tributes this past year. Included in the list below are links to their stories, as well as obituaries for a few notables whose deaths we were regrettably unable to cover.
As for those not mentioned below, AN editors hold in our thoughts the individuals who died this year due to COVID, injustice, violence, hunger, and simply the hands of time. Their memories will live on.
Andrés Mignucci, 64
Arata Isozaki, 91
Blanche Lemco van Ginkel, 98
Architect, urban planner, educator, and author

Chris Wilkinson, 76
Christopher Alexander, 85
Architect, educator, and theorist
Ed Feiner, 75
Gyo Obata, 99
Harry Bates, 95
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Issey Miyake, 84
Jack Diamond, 89
James Polshek, 92
Architect, educator

Mahendra Raj, 97
Structural engineer
Marcus Fairs, 54
Writer, editor, digital media pioneer
Mike Davis, 76
Writer, urban theorist, and historian
Paul Gunther, 65
Author, preservation advocate

Ricardo Bofill, 82
Srdjan Jovanović Weiss, 55
Architect, writer